The Hidden Dangers of Kissing Bugs: Why Immediate Expert Intervention is Crucial !!

The Unseen Dangers of Kissing Bugs that Deserve Experts’ Attention

There are some insects among the multitude of home pests which can pose serious health threats. One such insect is the kissing bug (Triatomine bug), a vector for Chagas disease. At any time one happens to see this kind of an insect in his/her house, he/she must be very prompt and contact professionals in pest control immediately. This article therefore explains why urgent action should be taken and how to deal with these fairly dangerous pests.

A Guide To Identifying Kissing Bugs

Kissing bugs are bloodsucking insects found in various parts mainly in Americas. They are often dark colored and have distinctive patterns on their backs which make them easy to identify. Despite appearances, these insects carry a parasite known as Trypanosoma cruzi. This parasite causes Chagas’ disease, a severe infection sometimes resulting in death.



Chagas Disease Health Risks

Infected kissing bugs transmit Chagas disease to humans via their feces. When biting its victims, the bug normally excretes near the wound thus allowing the parasite access into the body through it or by rubbing it through accidental means into eyes or mouth tissues thereby causing infections like conjunctivitis or mucous membranes if not properly cleaned up within 24 hours after biting you. The ailment can be acute or chronic depending on its phase.



Acute Phase: This phase lasts for a number of weeks or sometimes months. Signs include fever, tiredness, muscle pains, headache, rash, loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting. The infection site may be swollen in some instances.

Chronic Phase: If not treated Chagas disease can move to chronic stage. It takes decades or even a lifetime before the symptoms appear and it may result in severe complications such as heart disease including heart failure, changes in heart rate or rhythm and enlargement of the esophagus or colon. Unless properly managed these conditions could lead to death.

These are serious health risks that necessitate identification and eradication of kissing bugs from homes.

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