My grandma’s recipe amazed everyone: It keeps lemons fresh all year round


Steps in Preparation: Clean and Cut the Lemons: In order to get rid of any dirt or residue, give the lemons a thorough wash in cold water. Cut the lemons into quarters, being careful to preserve their base attachment.

Fill the Jar: A good pinch of coarse salt should be added to the bottom of the glass jar. Pack the sliced lemons tightly in the jar by firmly pressing them in. As the jar is filled, keep adding salt and lemons, making sure the lemons are completely soaked in their own juices.

Close and Keep: To stop air from getting inside, cover the jar tightly. Keep the jar out of direct sunlight and in a cold, dark spot like a pantry or cupboard.

Useful Advice: Before using, let the preserved lemons sit for at least a month so the flavors may fully emerge. Slice or cut the preserved lemons as needed after rinsing them under cold water to get rid of any extra salt before using.

In summary: No matter the season, you may always savor the crisp flavor of lemons thanks to Grandma’s clever recipe. Long-lasting lemon flavor and perfume can be achieved with a few basic ingredients and a little perseverance. Bid adieu to dry, withered lemons and hello to countless culinary possibilities!



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