Homemade Garlic Cough Syrup: A Natural Remedy to Cleanse Your Lungs

Step-by-Step Preparation

  1. Prepare the Garlic:
    • Peel and finely chop or crush an entire head of garlic. The crushing action helps release more of garlic’s active compounds.
  2. Simmer:
    • Place the chopped or crushed garlic in a small saucepan and add 2 cups of water.
    • Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for about 15 minutes. This allows the garlic to infuse the water and release its beneficial compounds.
  3. Strain and Sweeten:
    • After simmering, strain the mixture to remove all solid pieces of garlic.
    • While the liquid is still warm (but not too hot), add raw honey to taste. Honey is not only a natural sweetener but also offers additional throat-soothing and antibacterial properties.
  4. Add Extras:
    • For an extra boost, consider squeezing in some fresh lemon juice or adding a few slices of ginger during the simmering process. Both lemon and ginger enhance the syrup’s flavor and pack in extra vitamins and anti-inflammatory benefits.

How to Use

  • Dosage: Take one tablespoon of the garlic cough syrup up to three times a day as needed to relieve cough and congestion.
  • Storage: Store the remaining syrup in a sealed container in the refrigerator. It can be kept for up to one week.


This homemade garlic cough syrup is a fantastic natural remedy for anyone looking to soothe a troublesome cough and cleanse their lungs. Its natural ingredients provide a safe and comforting alternative to commercial cough syrups, making it perfect for those seeking a more holistic approach to health. Give this recipe a try the next time you need respiratory relief—it’s simple, effective, and natural.



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