You only need 3 ingredients to clean grout and tiles! Make your grout look new again! ALSO, tips on how to keep a perfect appearance!

You only need 3 ingredients to clean grout and tiles! Make your grout look new again! ALSO, tips on how to keep a perfect appearance!

A basic and effective cleaner for grout and tiles can help prevent slippery surfaces and keep tiles clean. Moreover, this homemade solution will make your grout appear fresh and clean without the strong chemicals and odors found in commercial cleaners.

Why choose to make things at home?

Regular tile cleaners often contain strong chemicals like bleach that can cause skin and breathing problems. Our self-service choice will change the way you clean by using a simple and safe method that only needs three common household items.

Necessary things:

1/2 cup of baking soda
1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide
1 tablespoon of soap for washing dishes

Prepare yourself:

Ingredients: Mix the baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap in a small bowl. Combine all the ingredients until they are completely smooth.
Put the mixture in a bottle with a cap that you can squeeze to make it easier to use.

The Procedure:

To get rid of water marks and stains on tiles without causing harm, use baking soda. Baking soda works as a gentle scrubbing agent.
Hydrogen peroxide is a natural product that can whiten and clean tiles, making them shiny and germ-free.
Liquid dish soap helps clean by breaking down difficult dirt and oil.

Practical Application:

Use the cleanser on the tile and grout areas by squeezing it out.
Wait for 5 to 10 minutes to let the mixture settle and break down the dirt buildup.
Clean tough stains by scrubbing the grout lines with a brush. You can keep tiles clean by wiping them with a wet sponge regularly.
Rinse the area with water and then dry it with a clean towel.

Tips for Maintenance:

Get into the routine of cleaning your bathroom tiles with this homemade cleaner every two weeks to maintain their cleanliness and safety.
Immediate Results: After just one use, your tile and grout will appear significantly improved.
Keeping your bathroom very clean is now simpler and more enjoyable with this simple cleaning mixture you can easily create. By using this homemade solution when you clean regularly, you can have a cleaner and fresher bathroom without the dangers of typical cleaning products.



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